The modular design of UTAAS offers the user a variety of performance options and upgrading possibilities. 所有通道的光束路径都通过同一个孔径, 提供良好的系统稳定性,不需要重新调整.
This principle enables the operator to retain the target in the centre of the reticle during the entire aiming and laser range-finding sequence. 不需要重新瞄准. Gun-laying is automatically controlled by the fire-control computer.
The design of the top module allows large deflection angles in both azimuth and elevation to be achieved. 这些是有效对抗快速飞机所必需的.
The low-hazard laser rangefinder has a variable repetition frequency, 哪些可以配置以满足不同的操作需求. Various methods of anti-laser eye protection can be employed in the sight.
适合夜间和全天候操作, the system can be equipped with a range of third generation thermal imagers.
The system can be customised for various weapon systems and integrated with command and control systems. 它也有一个智能弹药编程单元的接口.
Saab has designed and delivered fire-control system (FCS) packages for infantry fighting vehicles and main battle tanks for many years. 今天,UTAAS在瑞典服役, 挪威, 瑞士, 芬兰, 荷兰, 丹麦和爱沙尼亚, 全部用90号战车.
• High hit probability against air targets at ranges up to 2000 m.
•激光测距仪.54µm, PRF 4hz
•日间通道:放大倍率8倍,FoV 8º,直接1:1观看